Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Trail!

I got moved into my new place! Life is good! I'm not far away from Clinton Lake, and there are some spiffy trails around there. Went on a hike at Clinton Lake a few days ago with one of my friends. We went on the white trails but only went maybe four miles before we called it quits. It was fun, but I wish I coulda stayed out a bit longer. It was really nice out. A little hot, but a shit ton of big butterflies! They were huge and beautiful and I was happy. It was nice though being on a new trail. Kinda upped my morale. I was getting really bored of the same old places, so going somewhere new really made me feel good about hiking and stuff again. And I barely scratched the surface on these trails. So I still have a lot of time to keep on truckin'. A friend of mine is still interested in hiking together, which would be great since he has backpacking experience. He does ultra light backpacking, but I can still learn a lot even if he is doing something different from me. I'm hoping that once he gets moved in here that we can go on a hike and I can keep learning more. I feel like the more I get out and hike with people more experience than me, the more I'll learn. Its easier to learn as you do it than to read up on it and then try and do it. 

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